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oAoB oCoD oEoF oGoH oIoJ oKoL oMoN oOoP oQoR oSoT oUoV oWoX oYoZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
PETU RAM +cartoon of man 31, 32
PETURAM +cartoon of man 29
PGC palak group of companie 31
PH DOCTOR +cartoon of man 1
PHIFER +cartoon of man 6, 20, 22, 24, 37
PHOTO CHAKRAM +face of boy 34
PIC NIC +cartoon of boy gir 35, 41
PICKLED +cartoon of jar 17, 21, 24, 28
PICKY ANT +cartoon of ant 35
PICNIC MANIA +cartoon of ma 30
PICT school of information 16
PICT school of management 16
PIGGY +face of pig & square 35, 36, 42
PIGLOO +cartoon of giraffe 35
PIGNES +cartoon of pigs 41
PINKI +face of girl 16
PINTOLA +cartoon of peanut 29
PIPILIKA +cartoon of ant 18, 25
PIYOPIYO +cartoon of bird 16
PIYOZONE +cartoon of drop 32
PIZZAA CAFE +cartoon of fac 43
PIZZARITO +cartoon of man 43
PJS PARIVAR seal of purity 31
PLANET KIDS +cartoon of lio 41
PLANMYPUJA +cartoon of woma 35
PLAY APPS +cartoon of insec 9
PNG pride of india +ovals 42
PNP group of companies +arc 38
POINDEXTER +cartoon of man 9, 16, 25, 28, 35, 41, 42
POLLIBOY +cartoon of frog 25
POOJA language of education 16
POONG'S +cartoon of boy 30
POOP RIGHT! +cartoon of fac 11
PORSCHE lap of luxury 20
POSTERGUY +cartoon of face 35
POTHYS aalayam of silks 14, 18, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42
POTTO +cartoon of bear 25, 35
POV persistence of vision 16
PRAFA persuit of perfection 19
PRAFFUL group of industries 23
PRAGATI group of academies 41
PRASHANTI house of silk +go 25
PRASUCI essence of purity 25
PRAWNOES +cartoon of prawn 29, 30
PRE-ORDER be ahead of game 37
PREFERRED jewellers of indi 35
PREM a part of your living 37
PREMIA risk out of insuranc 9
PRERITA harmony of health 16
PRETTY CAT +cartoon of cat 25
PRICOL +device of stars 5
PRINCE +face of man 34
PRINCE king of quality 12
PRIZMA a division of ALKEM 3
PRODUCK +cartoon of face 9
PROKIDZ +face of boy & girl 41
PROKLEN +cartoon of boy 10
PROVITA +face of boy 29
PS LEAGUE +cartoon of owl 25
PST +cartoon of bee hexagon 30
PUDDLES +cartoon of fish 9, 16, 38, 41, 42
PULNEYS coffees of india 30
PUPI +cartoon of dog 41
PUPPY LOVE +cartoon of dog 18, 28, 43, 44
PUPPYOO +cartoon of dog 7, 11
PURPLE BEE +cartoon of bee 16
PURPLE COW +cartoon of cow 43
PUSHPGIRI +cartoon of chef 30
PUT CHUTNEY +cartoon of che 30
PYRAMID future of the futur 41
Q QUICK assurance of qualit 16
QALOT the way of walking 25
QQ +cartoon of penguin 6
QT +cartoon of chef 43
QUAAAK +face of duck 42
QUAINT +bouquet of flowers 25
QUBE institute of technolog 41
QUE +cartoon of boy 16, 41
QUEEN of india +circles 3
QUEEN BEE +cartoon of bee 11
QUICK RATION +cartoon of ma 35
QUILLSAGE +cartoon of owl 30
QYARA essence of bath 11
R RRA symbol of quality 9
R&D republic of denim 25
R.K. LAXMAN +cartoon of man 41
RAAG +cartoon of man & woma 31
RAAG +cartoon of men 31
RAAGINI ensemble of lyrical 24
RADIANT institute of mgmt. 41
RADITION +cartoon of foot 25
RAFFUGHAR crafts of kashmir 24
RAHAT travels of india 39
RAJ BUNNY +cartoon of rabbi 42
RAJ PATEL +face of boy 16
RAJ a symbol of quality 12
RAJA BAJA +face of king 9
RAJA BAJA +face of man 25
RAJA BHAI +glasses of milk 30
RAJAH LEMO +cartoon of man 32
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