Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
PETU RAM +cartoon of man |
31, 32 |
PETURAM +cartoon of man |
29 |
PGC palak group of companie |
31 |
PH DOCTOR +cartoon of man |
1 |
PHIFER +cartoon of man |
6, 20, 22, 24, 37 |
PHOTO CHAKRAM +face of boy |
34 |
PIC NIC +cartoon of boy gir |
35, 41 |
PICKLED +cartoon of jar |
17, 21, 24, 28 |
PICKY ANT +cartoon of ant |
35 |
PICNIC MANIA +cartoon of ma |
30 |
PICT school of information |
16 |
PICT school of management |
16 |
PIGGY +face of pig & square |
35, 36, 42 |
PIGLOO +cartoon of giraffe |
35 |
PIGNES +cartoon of pigs |
41 |
PINKI +face of girl |
16 |
PINTOLA +cartoon of peanut |
29 |
PIPILIKA +cartoon of ant |
18, 25 |
PIYOPIYO +cartoon of bird |
16 |
PIYOZONE +cartoon of drop |
32 |
PIZZAA CAFE +cartoon of fac |
43 |
PIZZARITO +cartoon of man |
43 |
PJS PARIVAR seal of purity |
31 |
PLANET KIDS +cartoon of lio |
41 |
PLANMYPUJA +cartoon of woma |
35 |
PLAY APPS +cartoon of insec |
9 |
PNG pride of india +ovals |
42 |
PNP group of companies +arc |
38 |
POINDEXTER +cartoon of man |
9, 16, 25, 28, 35, 41, 42 |
POLLIBOY +cartoon of frog |
25 |
POOJA language of education |
16 |
POONG'S +cartoon of boy |
30 |
POOP RIGHT! +cartoon of fac |
11 |
PORSCHE lap of luxury |
20 |
POSTERGUY +cartoon of face |
35 |
POTHYS aalayam of silks |
14, 18, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42 |
POTTO +cartoon of bear |
25, 35 |
POV persistence of vision |
16 |
PRAFA persuit of perfection |
19 |
PRAFFUL group of industries |
23 |
PRAGATI group of academies |
41 |
PRASHANTI house of silk +go |
25 |
PRASUCI essence of purity |
25 |
PRAWNOES +cartoon of prawn |
29, 30 |
PRE-ORDER be ahead of game |
37 |
PREFERRED jewellers of indi |
35 |
PREM a part of your living |
37 |
PREMIA risk out of insuranc |
9 |
PRERITA harmony of health |
16 |
PRETTY CAT +cartoon of cat |
25 |
PRICOL +device of stars |
5 |
PRINCE +face of man |
34 |
PRINCE king of quality |
12 |
PRIZMA a division of ALKEM |
3 |
PRODUCK +cartoon of face |
9 |
PROKIDZ +face of boy & girl |
41 |
PROKLEN +cartoon of boy |
10 |
PROVITA +face of boy |
29 |
PS LEAGUE +cartoon of owl |
25 |
PST +cartoon of bee hexagon |
30 |
PUDDLES +cartoon of fish |
9, 16, 38, 41, 42 |
PULNEYS coffees of india |
30 |
PUPI +cartoon of dog |
41 |
PUPPY LOVE +cartoon of dog |
18, 28, 43, 44 |
PUPPYOO +cartoon of dog |
7, 11 |
PURPLE BEE +cartoon of bee |
16 |
PURPLE COW +cartoon of cow |
43 |
PUSHPGIRI +cartoon of chef |
30 |
PUT CHUTNEY +cartoon of che |
30 |
PYRAMID future of the futur |
41 |
Q QUICK assurance of qualit |
16 |
QALOT the way of walking |
25 |
QQ +cartoon of penguin |
6 |
QT +cartoon of chef |
43 |
QUAAAK +face of duck |
42 |
QUAINT +bouquet of flowers |
25 |
QUBE institute of technolog |
41 |
QUE +cartoon of boy |
16, 41 |
QUEEN of india +circles |
3 |
QUEEN BEE +cartoon of bee |
11 |
QUICK RATION +cartoon of ma |
35 |
QUILLSAGE +cartoon of owl |
30 |
QYARA essence of bath |
11 |
R RRA symbol of quality |
9 |
R&D republic of denim |
25 |
R.K. LAXMAN +cartoon of man |
41 |
RAAG +cartoon of man & woma |
31 |
RAAG +cartoon of men |
31 |
RAAGINI ensemble of lyrical |
24 |
RADIANT institute of mgmt. |
41 |
RADITION +cartoon of foot |
25 |
RAFFUGHAR crafts of kashmir |
24 |
RAHAT travels of india |
39 |
RAJ BUNNY +cartoon of rabbi |
42 |
RAJ PATEL +face of boy |
16 |
RAJ a symbol of quality |
12 |
RAJA BAJA +face of king |
9 |
RAJA BAJA +face of man |
25 |
RAJA BHAI +glasses of milk |
30 |
RAJAH LEMO +cartoon of man |
32 |